Week 8 Comments and Feedback

 I enjoy reading comments I receive. I like both the encouraging feedback and the constructive feedback. It's always nice to see what others take away from reading your stories. I find myself rereading my stories often and not knowing what to change so it's nice to get someone else's perspective. 

When I give feedback to others I always start off with what I liked and then I talk about what confused me or suggest changes. I find this way of giving feedback to be pretty common and effective. 

I'm overall pleased with my comment wall and introduction. I feel like the introduction sums me up pretty well. I enjoy receiving comments on there to get to know others in this class. It's nice to see a variety of students from professional writing majors to pre-health majors. 

Image Information: Feedback Cats

I chose this image because I think it's really important to apply this skill when reading feedback. If you see multiple people commenting the same things then that should be something important to consider. 


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