Reading Notes: Tales of Anansi, Part B

Image Information: anansi spider from flickr

 I chose stories that shares the same quality as part A. These stories involve why animals live where they live or look/act the way they do. I want to take inspiration from these stories and write a story similar like why Tigers have stripes or why moths are attracted to light. 

67. Anansi Says Tacoomah's Sick 

This story explains whys goats live on the hillside

83. Anansi, Rabbit, and Ging-Fly

This story explains flys buzz. 

95. Anansi and the baboon

This story explains why baboons love bananas. 

96. Anansi and Rat

This story explains why rats live in holes. 


"Tiny Tales of Anansi" by Laura Gibbs (weblink)


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