Reading Notes: Japanese Fairy Tales, Part B


Image Information: The Crab and the Monkey from the Japanese Fairy Book (wikipedia)

The Crab and the Monkey 


The crab 




The crab lived in a tree filled with many fruits. The Monkey asked if he could eat some of the fruits from the tree. The crab agreed as long as the monkey gave the crab half the fruit. Instead, the monkey ate all the ripe fruits and gave the crab all the non ripe/rotten ones. The crab tricked the monkey and told him to do somersaults. This caused all the fruit from the monkeys pockets to fall out. The crab quickly took the ripe fruit and brought it into her home. When she went back out to get the rest the monkey beat her. Luckily, her wasp friend helped save her. They devised a  plan to get revenge on the monkey. When the monkey came back they set an egg near the crab's home. The monkey picked up the egg and it exploded in his face. He stumbled backwards and fell in a hole. 


I might try rewriting this story in a more modern way with people instead of animals. 

"The Crab and the Monkey" from "The Crimson Fairy Book" by Andrew Lang (weblink)


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