Microfiction: Halloween and Death


Raven and Robin traveled house to house with their jack-o-lanterns filled with candy until they finally reached the house at the end of their street. Raven didn't want to go to the house because it was known to be haunted. Robin called Raven a scaredy cat and walked up to the creepy, old house. The door creaked open. Raven called out to Robin warning her not to walk in. Robin ignored the warning. She heard a creepy, old voice. For some reason, Robin did what idiots do in horror movies. She walked towards the voice. Raven never saw Robin again. 


Jay felt like he was being followed. It was late at night and his car had broke down. He decided to walk home since he was only a couple blocks away. He started to speed up and noticed the sound of footsteps speeding up behind him. He quickly turned around and was shocked to see no one there. He suddenly felt a great slam against his body. He felt like he was being pinned down by an invisible man. "Who are you?" Jay asked. "Death" replied a hoarse voice. Jay felt a sting on his throat. He struggled to breathe.  

Author's Note: 

I decided to write two scary stories in honor of Halloween coming up. I like twisted ending so both of these stories have that. I also usually like to leave some sort of mystery in the end so the readers are usually left asking, "Did they die?"


  1. Hi Helen!
    I love the suspense of these stories and how ominous the endings were. I agree that leaving microfictions like these open ended adds a great element of mystery, so I'm glad you did. I didn't even consider that Halloween is coming so now is the best time for spooky microfictions, thanks for reminding me! I look forward to reading more of your stories in the future!

  2. Hi Halen! I love that your stories are Halloween themed although short they were very enjoyable to read and I really enjoyed both. I don't know why people will do the dumbest things by waling into an abounded house that voices are coming from I would never. I like the story about death too it was very different from the first but none less enjoyable.

  3. Hey Helen! I like the approach you took to your microfiction writing. I also like creating suspense with such a small amount of words and building up that feeling of not knowing what's gonna happen next. With writing such a small amount of words, it challenges us to cut the fluff and focus on creating that tone. Great job!


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