Reading Notes: Tales of a Parrot, Part B

Elephant silhouette at sunset (pixy)


The Frog

The Bird

The Elephant

The Bee



A bird had laid her eggs on this tree. An elephant rubbed its back on the tree causing the eggs to fall and break. The mother bird was so saddened and angry. She wanted revenge so she asked another bird called Longbill to help. This bird said that we needed the strategic bee's help. Then, the bee said that they needed the general frog's help. The frog then devised a plan to kill the elephant which succeeded. 


I found the ending very sad on the elephant's part. It seemed like the elephant wasn't intentionally trying to kill the mother bird's eggs. It was an accident. They didn't need to torture and kill the elephant. Sometimes communicating is all that is needed. I might rewrite this story in a way that might be happier on the elephant's part. 

The story almost reminded me of Horton Hears a Who. A lot of people didn't believe Horton and the kangaroo tried to have him killed. Horton had good intentions though. I might try to rewrite the story in the elephant's perspective. 


"The Frog, the Bee, and the Bird who Killed the Elephant" from the "Tales of a Parrot" by Ziya'al-Din Nakhshabi (weblink)


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