Reading Notes: The Book of Saints and Friendly Beasts, Part B

 The Fish Who Helped Saint Gudwall


- Saint Gudwall

- Pupil

- Fish


- Saint Gudwall and his pupil decided to move into a cave near the shore. During the spring and summer time it was very beautiful. The waves would gently stream into their cave and out. However, in the winter time the waves were very violent and harsh. They completely filled the cave flooding Saint Gudwall's house and belongings. So Saint Gudwall and his pupil were forced to vacate the cave. Saint Gudwall prayed to God and asked Him to help build some barrier that would allow them to live in the cave safe away from the waves. A fish saw this and felt sorry. So the fish and his fish friends would carry sand and lay it in a line to create a barrier. Slowly, the barrier grew taller and taller. After, Saint Gudwall and his pupil noticed the barrier as it rose above the water. They were grateful for the fish as they were able to live in the cave now. 

The Wolf Mother and Saint Ailbe part 1 and part 2 


- Saint Ailbe

- Wolf Mother

- Four Wolf cubs

- Hunters

- Prince

- Princess


- When Saint Ailbe was just a baby his mother and father abandoned him in a bush. A mother wolf walked by and felt sorry for baby Saint Ailbe and decided she would take him in and raise him along with her four little wolf cubs. So Ailbe lived as a wolf for several years until one day a hunter found him and took him in. He became Ailbe's new foster father. He was the prince. Ailbe was very sad that he was forced to leave his wolf mother and wolf siblings. He called out to them but they could not chase after the horse no longer as they grew weary and tired. So Ailbe lived in the palace and grew to be wise and good. 

- One day, some hunters came running into the village chasing an old wolf. Ailbe recognized the wolf immediately. And she recognized him. They embraced each other. The wolf was Ailbe's old foster mother. So, Ailbe (who had a lot of control being a bishop) told the hunters to never lay a finger on his wolf mother or her siblings. He invited them every day to his home and shared his food with them just as they shared their food with him when he was a baby. 

Image Information: Eurasian Wold (wikimedia)


"The Fish Who Helped Saint Gudwall" from The Book of Saints and Friendly Beasts by Abbie Farwell Brown (weblink)

"The Wold Mother and Saint Ailbe" from The Book of Saint and Friendly Beasts by Abbie Farwell Brown (weblink) (weblink)


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