Time Management Strategies

I've always been horrible with time management. I never knew how to prioritize my time wisely. I think over the years I've gotten better with it. There's still plenty of room for improvement though. For this class, it was suggested that I spend two hours on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. I think next week I will try to keep up with this schedule. I want to try to stay one week ahead if possible. 

I read "
Eat the Frogs First Thing in the Morning" by Thomas Oppong. He suggested the best time management skill is getting rid of your hard tasks first. I like to do this because it helps me feel productive and ready for the rest of the day. It also lifts a weight off my shoulder as I don't have to worry about it throughout the day either. I also liked his advice on saying yes less. This was similar to advice given in "The Myth of Busy" by Tim Grahl. 

I definitely need to implement this advice into my life. Like I said, I'm horrible at prioritizing my time wisely. I really like how Oppong and Grahl said it. Separate your tasks/activities in 
things you need to do and things you want to do. Then, do the things you need to do first and reward yourself with things you want to do after!

I am happy to say that this first week for me has been pretty productive so far. I've done things that I always put off until later. I'm sitting here writing for this blog that is planned to be due on Friday and it's Wednesday! :D I also finished a quiz today in one of my other classes that was due Friday.

I would say that's a big improvement from my procrastination habits last semester. 
However, it is the first week of the semester. Which usually tends to be my most productive week as I start to lose momentum and motivation throughout the school year. :/ 
Hopefully, I'll be able to keep this up though! 

I love this quote! It's really true for me. I find myself always wanting/needing more time, but if I had used my time wisely from the start I wouldn't need to. 

Image Information 
Frog (wikimedia)
Time Management Quote (flickr)


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