

I'm definitely not tech savvy. I always struggle with the simplest things when it comes to technology. :( I am grateful for the detailed instructions in this course though. It makes setting up a blog a lot easier. 

This online class is pretty different from any other online classes I've ever taken. I've never been in a class with this type of "honor code" grading system. I also like how we do our posts through blogs instead of the discussion forums that are usually used for online classes in canvas. I like the idea of knowing that I'll be able to look back on this in the future if I ever wanted to. 

I've never edited or created my own photos before. So, I might try working on that skill this semester. In one of the storybooks I read, the creator made all their own images. It was very cool because it matched up perfectly to their story. Google has a lot of images, but sometimes it's still hard to find the right one. So, this problem could be solved if I make my own! :D

Image Information

technology (flickr)


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